I seem to go through phases in my life when everything, spiritually speaking, goes very quiet. At other times I feel that whichever way I turn they are almost shouting out at me, “Wake up – we are here!”.
The problem is that sometimes I have too many activities going on. Before you think, wow, this woman lives life in the fast lane, I’m talking more about catching up on the washing and ironing, sorting out the freezer, balancing the bank account etc, not terrifically exciting.
I feel that recently I have been busy with people, which is wonderful, and I never complain about that, but the weeks just suddenly whizz by and I realise I haven’t been spending the time I feel I need to be moving forward spiritually.
My weekends with Simon are precious and so I tend to keep Saturday and Sunday free for ‘us time’. I spend a day a week with my twin Tina, then I see friends a couple of afternoons a week. Since writing this blog I now follow other blogs and can easily lose a couple of hours a day reading them, replying to them, and researching what they have been discussing.
On top of that I have just started to become acquainted with Squidoo, which is another way of publishing information on-line. Simon’s hobby is photography and he was told about Squidoo a couple of weeks ago, and of course, once he had looked at it he told me I should, so suddenly another few days went A.W.O.L. as I became engrossed in learning all about it.
There are also friends who live dotted around the world who I try to keep in touch with on a fairly regular basis either with emails or phone calls, relatives who live closer who come over for dinner, pets that need attending to, holidays that need researching etc …. the list is endless!
I also have several books on the go. A friend told me about a book I ‘must’ read which is an alternative way of treating thyroid problems, which I have been battling for years, so that book has joined the other three beside the bed that I am part-way through reading. Then I have my beloved kindle which I have become hopelessly addicted to. I see books that I feel I should read, and now, instead of spending a fortune, I can, for a fraction of the price, download them literally within seconds, and ‘bingo’ yet another book to read!
On top of all of this, due to my health problems, I have to take lots of breaks, and if I don’t my body soon decides to enforce longer rest periods, which is unbelievably frustrating when there is so much to do, that in my head at least, I feel somehow I should be able to fit in.
Well recently I have felt slightly disconnected from spirit. I haven’t attended any workshops or circles for months and haven’t been along to any demonstrations of mediumship for almost a month (my wonderful weekend away!). Everytime I have tried to meditate recently I have found myself falling asleep in the chair and waking up with a stiff neck, so that hasn’t had what I would term the desired effect of feeling closer to spirit at all. Spirit though have a way of letting me know they are around, sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes not quite as subtle as I would like.
If you read one of my earlier posts, 6) Man in the Mirror, you will know that whilst having a shower one day, I happened to see my spiritual guide in the mirror. Since that time I must admit that at times when I’m going to have a shower I do get just ever so slightly spooked. Often I am not, and happily go and have a shower without a thought, but at other times I just suddenly feel that I would be much happier if Simon was sitting close by.
On Sunday I went upstairs to have a shower and Simon was sitting downstairs watching t.v. I felt absolutely fine, not spooked in the slightest, I had put the hot water on, organised my shampoo, conditioner, hair remover etc, and I was just about to get in the shower when I felt aware of ‘something’. I can’t say I was really that worried, but thought that some music might be nice to take my mind off any weird feelings. I bought my portable radio into the bathroom, turned it on and just couldn’t believe my ears when the tune ‘Man in the Mirror’ boomed out! I think that was quite a coincidence – if there are such things as coincidences – which I gather from a spiritual point of view there are not! I decided that I would be brave and continued to have my shower, on my own, and really felt that I had overcome one of my fears. Fortunately nothing odd appeared in the mirror that time! Phew!
Last week I went to see my friend Kay. She has been very unwell with vertigo for several months and has been rarely able to leave her home due to her unrelenting dizziness. I love to go and visit her as she is very good company, full of interesting stories, and we also share a lot of common experiences from our childhoods. She has had an awful lot to contend with health wise over the last few years and she always amazes me with her positive approach to life. She is one of life’s fighters and I have never once heard her complain or make ‘poor me’ comments, she just takes everything in her stride, looks for the best in every situation and most importantly, looks at how she can help others in the same boat as her. She is one very strong lady!
Well that very morning Kay had been to the doctors for some test results and was told that she was diabetic and that she would need to take medication and change her diet. As we were sitting talking, I suddenly felt compelled to give her healing. I should explain that I am not what I would call a healer at all. There have been a few instances in my life where I have had the same feeling, and always gone along with it, knowing that spirit obviously see a need. I sat there whilst Kay and I were discussing her new diagnosis, becoming increasingly aware of what I can only describe as an instruction, that I should give her healing. I ignored the feeling for a few minutes until it became overwhelming and I really had no choice in the matter. Now, Kay has been ill since last summer, and I hadn’t once felt I should give her healing, so this was quite a new experience for me. I asked her if she would mind and she said it would be fine.
She was sitting down and I stood behind her and placed my hands on her shoulders. Within moments my hands felt as if they were fizzing, and they also felt extremely hot. My whole body became hotter and hotter, even my toes were hot, and I normally have cold feet. Even though my eyes were closed I could see a bright light, almost like a beam, coming towards me. I felt that we were both immersed in this wonderful healing ray. Kay said she could feel the heat across her chest and she too was aware of a light, which she felt was going to her heart. It was a truly beautiful serene time. I kept hearing the word opalite, which meant nothing to me. I tend to ignore anything I hear until I am told it several times, just in case it is my imagination, but I just kept hearing that word. I have never had much interest in crystals and know nothing about them at all, but did feel that this was something to do with a crystal.
I gradually felt my hands return to normal and the heat left me. As I sat down I told Kay that I had kept hearing the word opalite. She didn’t know what it meant either, so we looked it up in a reference book she has about crystals. I was stunned when I read that it is used to regulate insulin!!! My goodness, I just couldn’t believe it. I just love it when spirit gives me pertinent information that I would have never known about before, and when I research it, it proves to be totally correct.
I had always considered crystals a little ‘new age’ and never really thought of them as a serious way to heal or balance the body before. I shall certainly view them with more reverence in future. Hmmmm …. I feel another book or two that will need reading!
Where will I ever find the time?
Filed under: Evidence, Healing, Spiritual, Uncategorized Tagged: Blog, blogging, blogs, crystal, Friendship, healing, healing light, healing rays, opal, opalite, spirit, Spiritual Growth, spiritual healing, Squidoo