On Tuesday nights I watch ‘Touch’, a fictional supernatural programme starring Keifer Sutherland who plays Martin, a widower, and who is the single father of a young boy, Jake, who is emotionally challenged.
Martin is unable to make any kind of connection with Jake who has never spoken a word and will not allow anyone to touch him. Jake lives in his own world but he is obsessed with numbers and can see both the past, present and future through the connections that the numbers make. I have always felt that we are all connected, that we are all from the creator, or as some would say, from source, or from God. I find the series fascinating with its insight into synchronicity and the realisation for the father, Martin, that there are no such things as coincidences.
On Monday I had received an email from a woman in America who has been reading my blogs. She asked me if I could help her in advising how she could receive spiritual healing. She had, she felt, been the victim of a con man who had charged her quite a large amount for supposedly healing her. She needed someone she could trust and had asked spirit for guidance and they had told her to contact me! I wasn’t feeling too well on Tuesday, so I didn’t reply to her straight away, but sent an email telling her I would email her again on Wednesday.
Tuesday night I settled down to watch Touch. This weeks episode wasn’t so much about numbers, but more about a pattern within a cats cradle that Jake kept making with wool. Martin, his father, had to try to place the pattern and work towards connecting people who were associated with it. All sounds rather odd if you haven’t been watching Touch, but in the programme it all made perfect sense. The important part of the pattern was two triangles which kept appearing in different guises and always made a connection with people, even across continents.
On Wednesday morning I was lying in bed, thinking of the email I had received and how I could possibly help someone who lived so far away – over 4,000 miles – when I happened to look out of my bedroom window. I just couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw a perfect cross in the sky. It was exactly the pattern that Jake had been showing his father which connected everyone! I knew there and then that the distance between us meant nothing spiritually.
That in itself, was, synchronistically speaking, quite amazing. Later on Wednesday I was chatting to a wonderful friend of mine, Jane, who is both a gifted medium and healer. She was telling me about a workshop she had recently attended which was teaching a new way of healing, it was about a system called The Healing Code. I looked it up on the internet and saw that there was a book available and downloaded it to my kindle. Having read a few chapters I thought it would make sense for the lady in America to read it too. I emailed her and sent her a link to the book. At the same time I agreed to send her spiritual healing myself, and as I was typing her email I was covered in goosebumps which to me shows that I am certainly make the right decision.
The following day I received another email from her. On Wednesday she had gone and bought a book, The Power, the follow-up book to The Secret. It wasn’t the one I had been reading, but it included reference to the same man who had written the book I had advised her to buy! He was the only MD featured in the popular DVD of The Secret. Neither of us could believe it!! There we are, me living here in England and her in America, and of all the books in the world, she buys a book that includes a reference to the very same man. What are the chances of that? More synchronicity.
I feel that spirit has shown me this week, in more than one way, that we are all truly connected. We arranged that today I would send the lady spiritual healing. As I sat at a pre-arranged time I was again covered in my familiar goose-bumps and as I asked my healing guides to draw close and send healing to the lady I felt the most wonderful connection.
Truth really is stranger than fiction!
Filed under: Healing Tagged: Blog, blogging, blogs, Energy Healing, faith, healing, Healing Code, Keifer Sutherland, Spiritual Growth, spiritual healing, spirituality, synchronicity, The Power, Touch, trust